Today I'd like to show you what I had stitched for my crafty girlfriends as holiday gifts this year... Patchwork needlebooks!
I followed an awesome tutorial by my talented friend, Amy of nanaCompany. You can find the tute here. It's super adorable and highly recommended project!!
作り方はこちらのレシピを参考にしました。→☆ 親しくさせていただいているブロガー友達のAmyさんのブログ nanaCompanyより。
For the inside (needle holding pages) I did not have good felt sheets on hand (100% wool felts are probably the best to store needles)... So instead, I used 100% cotton batting (I selected the thickest batting I had on hand). It may not be the best option available, but hopefully it works!
Reverse side of the needlebooks.
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And above image is the "genuine" needlebook that Amy of nanaCompany had made for me recently. (Check out this post for our first get together!) As I immediately fell in love with her work, I decided to make a couple more for my girlfriends... Hope my crafty friends like it as much as I liked mine!
そしてこちらのニードルブックは本家本元、レシピ考案者の nanaCompany ブログの Amyさんからいただいたものです♪(初のオフ会についてはこちらから→★)とっても可愛くて一目で気に入ったので、今回私も友人たちにプレゼントさせていただきました。 友人たちにも気に入って使ってもらえたら嬉しいな♥
***Love, Amy***
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Follow me on Instagram @chickchicksewing →★