I'm happy to announce that today is the Day 3 of Zakka Handmades Blog Tour!Today, the tour stops at Sachiko of Tea Rose Home who will be posting her zakka creation from my book, so be sure to check it out ;)
Note by author: Zakka(雑貨) in Japanese refers to small household goods used in everyday life. Handmade zakka adds charming and meaningful touch to our daily tasks!
今日は私の著書 Zakka Handmades のブログツアー3日目です。ブログツアーとは?についてはこちらをご覧下さい。→☆ 今日は、Tea Rose Home の Sachiko さんが、ブログにて私の著書を紹介してくださっています。Sachikoさんの手作り雑貨も必見です!
As you may already know, Sachiko is a popular blogger who is happily married with three beautiful children. She enjoys designing, quilting, sewing, working with beads, and restoring old items in her spare time - you will be amazed by her long list of helpful tutorials of lovely projects on her blog!
Sachiko さんは、手芸クラフト部門では知る人ぞ知る有名ブロガーさんです。家族構成は、ご主人と3人のお子さんたち。お忙しい毎日の合間を縫って、ご自身のオリジナル手芸作品のデザイン、キルト、ソーイング、ビーズアクセサリー作り、リメイク・・・などをされています。Sachiko さんのブログには、数々のTutorial(作り方レシピ)が掲載されていて、そのどれもがとても美しく、丁寧に作られている作品ばかりです。→☆
Here, Sachiko embellishes simple cardigan to a charming treasure packed with pretty flowers!
Don't forget to leave a comment on Sachiko's post to win a copy of my book!
There are more exciting stops during this blog tour:
6/24/13 - Kerry verykerryberry (interview post)
6/26/13 Jeni In Color Order
6/28/13 Sachiko Tea Rose Home
7/1/13 – Amber One Shabby Chick
7/3/13 – Kristen Feeling Stitchy
7/5/13 – Hiromi Harujion Design
7/8/13 – Amy nanaCompany
7/10/13 – Lisa and Sarah A Spoonful of Sugar
7/12/13 – Mette Erleperle
7/15/13 – Sarah and Rachel Roxy Creations
7/17/13 - Anna Noodlehead
7/17/13 - Anna Noodlehead
Thanks for stopping by and see you at the next stop!
***Love, Amy***