Here's my recent finish. Color wheel dresden patchwork mini quilt! Check out my earlier post on how to make these patchwork dresden plates if you're interested.
最近仕上げた作品です。カラーホイールのパッチワークドレスデンのミニキルト♪ 興味のある方はこちらの過去記事→☆ にドレスデンパッチワークの作り方を簡単にご紹介していますのでよろしかったらご覧くださいね。
You may recall this color wheel dresden patchwork that I stitched up a while ago... It has been sitting on my sewing table waiting to be quilted, binded and finished. I'm so happy that I was able to tick this off from my work-in-progress list of things to do... Phew!
As for quilting, I decided to go with diagonal lines that radiate in all directions from the center out.
Then I stitched the center circle on top of the dresden "wheel". The gray x white polka dots print I used is Linen Mochi Dot by Momo from Moda.
全体をミシンキルト後、中央部分の円を縫い付けました。グレーx白の生地はModa社のLinen Mochi Dot by Momoを使用しています。
For the binding, I selected pink and white gingham check.
I'm happy with the outcome❣
This mini measures approximately 18" x 18" or 45 cm x 45 cm. I plan to add this to our "mini quilt collection wall" a.k.a our kitchen wall in our house... lol!
45 センチ 四方のドレスデンパッチワークのミニキルト(ウオールキルト)の完成です♪ 近いうちに我が家の「ミニキルトコレクションコーナー」(←つまりはキッチンの壁。笑)に飾る予定です。
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
On the other note, I recently visited momen plus, my fave fabric shop here in Torrance, CA, with my sweetest sewing friends, Amy of nanaCompany and Jennifer of SunnyinCal!FYI... Amy's first sewing book is coming out soon and Jennifer just released her first quilt pattern! Yay to my talented friends!!

さて、先週末には仲良しのソーイング仲間と近所にあるお気に入りの布地屋さんでいわゆる「オフ会」をしてきました。今回ご一緒させていただいたのは、nanaCompanyブログのエイミーさんと、 SunnyinCalブログのジェニファーさんです❣
ちなみに。。。エイミーさんは近日中に初めてのソーイング本が出版される予定です。→☆ ジェニファーさんも、やはり初めてのキルトパターンの販売を開始されたばかりなのです→★ お二人ともお忙しいママですが手芸の腕も文字通りのプロ級❣ 本当に素晴らしい~。
As always, I wanted to buy everything in the shop, but I tried very hard to narrow down my purchase to these fat quarters... Aren't they lovely?
Look! I even got handmade gifts from my friends!!! This happiest patchwork zipper pouch filled with bunch of cosmetic goodies was received from Jennifer. (Actually this photo was taken after my oldest girl snatched the prettiest lip gloss from the gift!) Thank you so much Jenn for your generosity. Love this!!
そして何と!今回は同行したお二人からそれぞれ手作りギフトをいただいてしまったのです♥ 柄合わせが明るくて素敵なこちらのパッチワークのポーチはジェニファーさんから!しかもポーチの中には使いやすそうなコスメがどっさり(実はリップグロスもいただいたのですが早速長女にとられました~涙)。
And this sweetest needlebook (with my initial handstitched...awww) was received from Amy. Thank you so much for such a thoughtful handmade gift, Amy!! It's too pretty to use!!
そしてこの可愛らしいニードルブック(縫い針ケース)はエイミーさんから❣ 私のイニシャル入りであまりの可愛さにもったいなくて使えません~。
After we shopped for fabrics, we went to the bakery next door and each had big slice of cake together... Ha ha! Thanks for the super fun afternoon, ladies♥
And to my fellow sewing/blogging friends, I wish you have a happy Thanksgiving with your loved ones♥
***Love, Amy***
Find me on Facebook (Amy Morinaka) →☆
Follow me on Instagram @chickchicksewing →★
1 comment:
You make the custest stuff Amy ��
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