My Handcarved Eraser Stamps and More Makes❣ 自作の消しゴムはんこ、がま口、スマホケースなどあれこれと♪

As I was tidying up my craft space today, I laid out all my handcarved eraser stamps on my desk and this is how much I've carved so far! I haven't had a chance to carve eraser stamps lately, but I sure miss making these tiny stuff...


Using few of my eraser stamps, I decorated some cards. 


As much as I enjoy sewing, quilting, crocheting, knitting, and embroidering, eraser stamping is another favorite craft of mine that I truly enjoy ;-)


And here are a couple of other makes that I recently posted on my Facebook and Instagram.  These may look familiar to you if you've been following me on FB and IG!


Fabric stamps love! I made these fabric stamps from my book. These are so addicting to make! I highly recommend to make some of these if you've got bunch of fabric scraps like me♥♥♥

久しぶりに切手アップリケ作りました♪ 作り方は私の著書に掲載されています。 切手アップリケ、はぎれを使ってどんどん作れます。これまた時間がいくらあっても足りないくらい、楽しい作業です~

Then I made clip purses using purse frames I got from a local 100 yen shop (dollar store).

近所の100円ショップで購入した口金を使ってがま口財布作り。 切手アップリケがポイントです。

One day,  I was surprised when my hubby asked me to make a simple sleeve for his second smart phone, prior to his business trip. (He almost never ask me to sew anything for him!) Unlike our girls, it was super easy to sew for my hubby because he is not at all picky about fabrics! (lol) 


I used fleece for the interior to protect the phone.


Well that's it for tonight... Hope you all have a creative week!

もっといろいろありますが。。。今夜はこのへんで♥ 皆さんもお忙しい生活の中でも少しだけ時間を作って、手芸タイムを満喫してくださいね~。

***Amy Morinaka***

Find me on Facebook (Amy Morinaka) →☆
Follow me on Instagram @chickchicksewing →★

♪A Spoonful of Sugar Book Tour♪

Welcome to my stop of A Spoonful of Sugar Book Tour! I have been following Lisa Cox and her daughter Sarah's inspiring blog, A Spoonful of Sugar for a long time, so to be part of Lisa's blog tour of her new book is a great pleasure and honor for me♥

オーストラリアのパース在住の手芸家 Lisa Cox さんがこのたび著書を出版されました。長年手芸仲間として懇意にさせていただいているご縁で、嬉しいことに私も Lisaさんの「ブログツアー」に参加させていただくことになりました❣今日はそのブログツアーの一環でLisaさんの著書を簡単にご紹介させていただきますね。

In their blog, A Spoonful of Sugar, you will find plenty of sewing tutorials, baking recipes, and craft ideas that you just can't miss! Lisa lives with her family in Perth, Australia, and although we have never really *met* in person, we have been really good friends over the years, sharing our love of creation.

Lisaさんはお嬢さんのSarahさんとの母子コンビで有名なブロガーさんです。親子でA Spoonful of Sugarというブログを開設されていて、ソーイングのみならずお菓子作りのレシピや、キルトづくりや各種クラフトのレシピを惜しげもなく公開・発信されています。Lisa さんのブログ→☆

In this book, you will find twenty original, practical and sweet projects for yourself and for your home, and entire zakka projects in the book make perfect gifts.

Lisa さんが出版された著書 A Spoonful of Sugar には手作り雑貨20点が掲載されています。プレゼントにも最適な作品ばかりです。

So here's what I made from her book - Zakka Dilly Bags.  These are drawstring bags with a crocheted base. 

今回私もLisaさんの著書掲載作品より Zakka Dilly Bags(雑貨ふう巾着バッグ)を作ってみました。

The book calls for 6 1/4" or 15.9 cm diameter crocheted bottom base for the bags, but I adjusted the crocheted rounds to 3 1/2" and 4", to fit the water bottles snugly.

本の作り方によると、かぎ針編みで編んだ直径約16㎝大の円をバッグ底に使っていますが今回私は少しサイズを縮小してみました。市販のペットボトルのサイズに合わせて、かぎ針編みの円をそれぞれ直径 8.75㎝ と 10㎝ 大に編み、バッグ本体と縫い合わせてみました。

Lisa indicates using scrap of white felts and leather patch for the fabric labels, which I would have loved to use, but didn't have on hand. Instead I made the patches with coordinating fabric scraps.


The bags are perfect for me to carry water bottles wherever I go!


Of course, these bags are great to carry some yarns and a crochet hook, or generous in size to carry cookies and candies for your family and friends.


Let's have fun joining a SAL or sew-along A Spoonful of Sugar: Sew 20 Simple Projects to Sweeten Your Surroundings Zakka Style. There will be five rounds, each lasting for two weeks which will give you plenty of time to complete a project or two from the book.  Our good friend, Amy Sinibaldi from Nana Company is the Guest Judge, with fantastic prizes for the winner of each round, plus a Grand Prize Winner, generously sponsored by Alisha from Ministry of Fabric. We really hope you join in the fun! #ASPOONFULOFSUGARSAL 

アマゾンなどで Lisa さんの著書を購入し、一緒にSew-along A Spoonful of Sugar: Sew 20 Simple Projects to Sweeten Your Surroundings Zakka Styleという企画に参加されませんか?

企画に参加するには、著書の掲載作品を制作しオンライン上(インスタグラム)に公開します企画は2週間サイクルで計5回に渡って行われ、Nana Companyブログの Amy Sinibaldi さんをゲスト審査員に迎えて各回から優秀作品が選ばれます。企画終了時には最優秀作品も選ばれるそうです。 優秀作品の制作者の方々にはスポンサーであるMinistry of Fabricさんからすてきな商品が贈られます❣ 
ネット上のハッシュタグは#ASPOONFULOFSUGARSAL をお使いくださいね。

Thanks so much for stopping by. Hop on over to other blog hop posts for more beautiful makes and inspirations!



Blog Tour Schedule:

April 26            Jodie Carlton                           Ric Rac
April 27            Minki Kim                                 Minki’s Work Table
April 28            Melissa LeRay                         Oh How Sweet
April 29            Jemima Flendt                       Tied With a Ribbon
April 30            Beverley McCullough          Flamingo Toes

May 2              Sedef Imer                               Down Grapevine Lane
May 3              Nadra Ridgeway                     Ellis and Higgs
May 4              Amy Morinaka                        Chick Chick Sewing
May 5              Caroline Critchfield               Sew Can She
May 6              Kristyne Czepuryk                 Pretty By Hand
May 7              Bronwyn Hayes                      Red Brolly

May 9              Anorina Morris                       Samelia’s Mum
May 10            Peta Peace                               She Quilts A Lot
May 11            Faith Essenburg                     Sarana Ave
May 12            Angie Wilson                           Gnome Angel
May 13            Sharon Burgess                      Lilabelle Lane Creations
May 14            Stacy Olson                              Stacy Olson

May 16            Ayda Algin                                Cafenohut
May 17            Jennie Pickett                         Clover and Violet
May 18            Wynn Tan                                 Zakka Art

May 19            Lisa Cox                                     A Spoonful of Sugar

***Amy Morinaka***

Find me on Facebook (Amy Morinaka) →☆
Follow me on Instagram @chickchicksewing →★

Patchwork Log Cabin Dome Pouch ☆ パッチワークログキャビンで五つ星バッグ ☆

In Japan, we are in the midst of "Golden Week" or one of the longest holiday period for workers and students.  Trains, airports, amusement parks, shopping malls, and everywhere else gets very crowded during this period in Japan.

日本の皆さまにとってはゴールデンウイークですね。 アメリカで長年暮らしていた頃にはゴールデンウイークとは無縁だったので、日本のこの連休にはまだまだ馴染みが薄い私です。

While many people travel during this period, I've been staying home, doing what I enjoy the most... sewing! Yay! Well I'm still cooking, cleaning, washing, and doing all sorts of daily chores for my family, but still it's nice to have more time to myself.


Using this scrappy log cabin block that I pieced a while ago...


I made this dome pouch/bag.


To make this pouch/bag, I followed my original pattern: Stella Dome Pouch. But this time I replaced the friendship stars with scrappy log cabins.


Reverse side. I love this floral print from Kokka Irome collection!


 I like to listen to the radio while I sew. And I often lose track of time when I'm sewing! 


I made a pot full of fresh salsa today. Tomorrow my youngest brother's family is coming over and guess what we'll have for lunch together? Tacos, of course! 

Hope you're all enjoying the beautiful month of May.  Talk to you soon❣



***Amy Morinaka***

Find me on Facebook (Amy Morinaka) →☆
Follow me on Instagram @chickchicksewing →★


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